Toormina High School

Creating our future

Telephone02 6653 3077

Year 7

Starting high school is a time of new experiences as your child adjusts to a new school, makes new friends and gets used to having different teachers and classrooms for each subject. 


The 2025 Year 7 Adviser is Jake Birrell based in the CAPA staffroom.

Year 7 2025 Assessment Handbook


School lockers are available for Year 7 students for $5 per year, please ask at the office.

·         Pens - blue/black, red

·         Pencils - lead & coloured

·         Pencil Sharpener

·         Ruler - plastic or wood (no metal)

·         Glue Stick

·         Eraser

·         Paper Scissors

SCIENCE       2 x 128 page A4 notebooks

ENGLISH      1 x 240 page A4 notebook

MATHS         2 x 128 page A4 notebook (ruled with margin), calculator CASIO fx-82AU Plus II 2nd edition or CASIO fx-8200AU

HSIE                2 x128  page A4 notebooks (one per  semester)

MUSIC            98 page A4 notebook

TAS                 Display folder, leather shoes