Parents/caregivers in public schools have the right to have their children receive instruction in their preferred religious persuasion, where authorised teachers of that persuasion are available.
A Special Religious Education (SRE) program is run by authorised volunteers of approved religious persuasions.
Below is the list of approved special religious education programs provided at the school for 2019. Additional details of SRE programs on offer at the school can be obtained from SRE providers. Contact details of SRE program coordinators can be provided by the school if required.
Approved SRE Provider: Australian Christian Churches, Coffs Harbour Region. Link to curriculum for use in SRE classes:
Approved as SRE Provider for:
Combined Christian SRE (scripture) classes are taught by trained and authorised teachers from different Christian denominations and churches. In the Coffs Harbour region, SRE teachers are authorised and cross-authorised by:
Anglican Diocese of Grafton, Australian Christian Churches, Baptist Union of NSW, Christian Community Churches of Australia, C3 Church NSW, Churches of Christ in NSW (Fresh Hope), Evangelical Brotherhood Church, Lutheran Church of Australia, NSW District, Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia, Presbyterian Church of Australia (NSW), The Salvation Army, Seventh-Day Adventist Church North NSW Conference and Uniting Church in Australia (NSW Synod).
The curriculums used are CCSM Inc High School Curriculum and PeaceWise Youth authorised by Baptist Union of NSW and can be found at:
The combined arrangement is facilitated by Coffs Coast Schools Ministry Inc.
Students continue in the same arrangement each year, unless a parent/caregiver has requested a change in writing. At any time, you have the right to change your SRE nomination or to withdraw your child from the nominated lessons. A note to the Principal will affect this change.
If you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education, students will remain in their original timetabled classes and will engage in private study under the supervision of their timetabled teacher.
Other useful links:
Mr Paul Humphrey