Toormina High School

Creating our future

Telephone02 6653 3077

Transition Program

Students in Year 6 are supported in their transition to Toormina High School through a comprehensive program to orientate students to the expectations and operation of high school.

A high level of direct interaction between primary school students and the secondary school occurs on a regular basis prior to the start of Year 7.

The first day of the high school year at THS is allocated to just our senior students and the Year 7 Cohort so students can familiarise themselves with daily school life. For the first week students are met by their teachers in the quadrangle at the start of each period and proceed to the classroom together. Programs also provide support for learning and the social and personal aspects of transition.

The need for learning support is accessed through by classroom teachers and our Learning Support Team. 

We host an afternoon for Year 7 parents early in Term One to give parents and carers the opportunity to meet and speak with their child's teachers and connect with families of other students.  

The Role of the Year Adviser is diverse. At THS they are the first point of contact for parents and students. The same Year Adviser assists and supports the year group through their time at Toormina High School which provides a fundamental connection for student's wellbeing connecting the school, student, parents and teachers. 

A 'Bonding Excursion' is run early in the term to encourage students to connect to teachers and other students, to challenge themselves and to extend their circle of friends through participation in fun activities. If possible a camp is held during the year that also provides further opportunities for team building, resilience activities and encourages and builds skills in the year group. Year 7 Sport is held at school and is another opportunity for students to interact with their peers.

We look forward to meeting you and your student, welcome to the Toormina High School community.